Frequently asked questions

On this page, we answer the most frequently asked questions of our company.

Industry 4.0 is the digital transformation of manufacturing/production and related industries and value creation processes. Industry 4.0 also means the intelligent networking of industrial machines and processes using information and communication technology.

The term industrial automation refers to all hardware and software solutions that can assist or replace human work. This term mainly arises in connection with larger industrial robots and smaller support robots, but it is not only used in these cases, as the term can also be associated with camera systems that provide important feedback on production processes with the help of software. And this also includes End-Of-Line test systems.

We undertake our projects in the event of a unique price offer, our prices follow Hungarian industrial trends.

Yes! Our international contact language is English.

Yes, we accept a limited number of university students for internships. In addition to acquiring theoretical knowledge, our company also introduces students to the world of practice-oriented tasks.